Class of 2022 Valedictory
Victory celebrates the graduating Class of 2022 at the Valedictory ServiceLast week we said goodbye to our graduating Class of 2022 with our Valedictory Service and Dinner. It was a terrific afternoon and evening of reflection and celebration as we said goodbye to our Year 12s and thanked them for the memories they leave us with at Victory. We are very proud of their achievements and look forward with enthusiasm to seeing the result of their efforts over the coming years, as they enter their chosen careers.
We also invite them to return for morning tea on Monday 12th December, the day on which their VCE results are released.
A number of awards were presented at our Valedictory Service in recognition of student achievements:
Valedictory Awards
- Victory Medal - Isobel Whitehead
- Ampol Best-Allrounder - Daniel Kurmann
- ADF Long Tan Leadership Award - Gabriella Kamber
- Wodonga Lions Club Achievement & Endeavour Award - Macaylah Schulz
- VCAL Achievement Award - Macaylah Schulz
- Wodonga TAFE Scholarships - Tristan Chambeyron, Lily Cross, Jayde Jeffries, Georgie Kiraly, Macaylah Schulz
- Charles Sturt University Academic Encouragement Award - Prince Kiza, Ashlee McQueen, Amith Kurian
Citizenship Awards
Matilda Robb, Jordyn Kelson-Bell, Ashlee Kennedy, Georgie Kiraly
Principal’s Subject Awards
- Matilda Robb - Biology, Further Mathematics, Health & Human Development
- Gabriella Kamber Chemistry
- Peter Vogelsang Mathematical Methods, Physics
- Hayman McCabe Geography
- Joshny Joemon Studio Arts
- Isobel Whitehead English, Literature, Drama
Thank you to our staff who supported all our Year 12 students over the course of many years. Special thanks to Ms Whittle, Mrs Hallahan and Mrs Tooney who worked especially closely with the group over the past 12 months and who, along with our Administration Team, were instrumental in pulling our celebratory events together.
Congratulations to our Class of 2022!
Mr Tim Hartwich
Head of Secondary