
How do people expect me to choose a career path at 16, when I can't even choose what I want for dinner?

We understand choosing a vocational or academic pathway, and then considering career options can be daunting for young people. At Victory, we aim to guide our students towards exploring their study options so that each student can achieve their personal best, strive for their goals and realise their potential.

Victory takes a holistic approach in which staff help each student prepare for the future. We encourage students to engage in pathway conversations from as early as Year 7 either with their subject teachers, Caregroup or Wellbeing Counsellors. As they progress through school, greater opportunities exist to explore career options.

Our Pathways Coordinator, Ms Belinda Murrell, works with students and families. Our students undertake a variety of Careers programs throughout their time at Victory including Year 10 Mock Interviews, career excursions, TIS (Tertiary Information Service) Day in Albury as well as undertaking work experience. Students have the opportunity to participate in a number of camps which enable them to explore both regional and metropolitan Universities.

Year 10 Work Experience

Students and parents/carers are welcome to book a careers interview with the Careers Coordinator to discuss individual career goals and pathways. Students also have access to the Victory Careers Portal, which can assist them in researching and managing their career pathway.