
Victory Lutheran College is an educational institution established to advance Christian education in accordance with the Lutheran Confessions, including by operating a school in Victoria. Victory Lutheran College is separately incorporated as a company limited by guarantee with Lutheran Education VIC, NSW, Tas and ACT Ltd (LEVNT) as its sole member.

The College is also an affiliate of LEVNT Ltd. This relationship is set out in an Affiliation Agreement between LEVNT Ltd and the College. Under the Affiliation Agreement, LEVNT Ltd provides the College with funding, services and support. The College in turn agrees to four core areas of commitment, covering: the Lutheran faith commitment; use of Government and school funds; responsible governance and management; and use of LEVNT service and support.

The Role of the College Board - the Governance Role

The College’s Constitution details powers and functions of the Board and provides that the Board is responsible for the operations of the College which it may delegate to the Principal or to one or more sub-committees who report to the Board and who must comply with any direction given to them by the Board.

The Board are responsible for the College Governance which includes:

  • appointing, reviewing and, in some cases, removing the Principal, and providing ongoing support and supervision
  • governing the College
  • determining and implementing the College’s key values, principles and ethos.
  • setting strategic plans and major directions for the College
  • determining the Board’s policies and practices
  • ensuring compliance with legal obligations
  • monitoring adherence to systems of and assessing risk management
  • approving and monitoring the College budget
  • approving expenditure outside of the budget
  • reviewing the College’s performance
  • undertaking self-assessment review of Board performance
  • interfacing with the College community
  • handling grievances concerning the Principal
  • establishing whistle-blower policy and procedures.

Democratic Principles

In line with the Victorian Registration Standards, the College supports and promotes the principles and practice of Australian democracy.

Victory Lutheran College is committed to the principals of a liberal democracy:

  • We believe in an accountable, democratically elected government.
  • We respect and observe the rule of law, and believe that no person is above the law.
  • We believe in equal rights for all before the law, regardless of race, ethnicity, religion, sexuality, gender or other attributes.
  • We believe not only in the freedom of religion, but also the need to practice tolerance and understanding of others' beliefs.
  • We believe in the values of openness and tolerance, and value and respect all members of the College community regardless of background.
  • We believe in the value of freedom of speech and freedom of association, but also acknowledge that we have the responsibility not to abuse this freedom.

College Philosophy Compliance Statement

In line with the Victorian Registration Standards, the College has a clear philosophy and how it is enacted.

Statement of the College's Philosophy:

  • We are committed to provide a Christ centered quality education for young Australians where the gospel of Jesus Christ informs all learning, teaching and human relationships.
  • We are committed to growing a caring community of lifelong learners through an integrated framework of Christian attitudes and relationships, with each child knowing they are a special child of God.
  • We are committed to offering our students the best education possible, and allowing each student to realise their full potential.
  • We are committed to offering the best academic environment possible. To do this, we support each student's learning and ensure that each student can learn in an environment free from bullying, harassment, and undue distraction.
  • We are committed to caring for each student's emotional and pastoral needs. To do this, we have a pastoral care framework and provide support such as counselling services and education on resilience and mental health.
  • We are committed to allowing each student to achieve in areas of their own interest. To do this, we accommodate each student's interests, allowing them to balance curricular and extracurricular activities, and encourage them to pursue their interests.
  • We are committed to fostering leadership in all of our students. To achieve this, we have programs and activities which encourage each student to lead among their peers.
  • We are committed to allowing each student to live a healthy and active lifestyle. To do this, we provide education on a healthy lifestyle, and encourage sporting and other recreational activities.

Our philosophy is enacted through our teaching and care for students. Our philosophy guides our teaching, strategic plans and governance decisions.