Why Victory?
Welcome to Victory Lutheran College. We believe education is more than just academic excellence. Our aim is to inspire, motivate and empower students towards reaching their true potential, to achieve their own goals and to flourish as globally connected leaders.
A balanced education teaches strength of character and courage of heart. It provides an understanding of service for those less fortunate.
We believe it is about engaging the minds of tomorrow’s leaders today.
Specifically we aim to:
- Provide a balanced and rigorous approach to education that encourages spiritual, social, physical emotional, and academic growth
- Challenge students to achieve their personal best and become active and informed citizens
- Aim to develop independent and critical thinkers
- Provide experiences that encourage curiosity and promote a love of learning
- Encourage participation and celebrate achievement
- Expand our focus to develop global understandings as well as local and national ones
- Provide for tailored education to target the learning needs of students
- Complete thorough assessment which encourages, supports and empowers students
- Actively embrace technology to engage students.
We deliver this through our curriculum programs which are based on ongoing professional development, industry benchmarks and extensive research, all of which we are incredibly proud.

Our academic programs develop confident, literate and numerate problem solvers who have the skills and knowledge to strive for their personal best.
Our impressive VCE results continue to reflect the shared partnership between students and teachers and we congratulate the Class of 2024 on their results. We wish our old scholars all the best and remind them that they are always welcome back to our Victory Lutheran College community.
- 23.6% scored above 80
- 34.5% scored above 70
- 13.2% of study scores were above 35
We congratulate our College Dux, Carla Vogelsang on her outstanding ATAR of 96.7. Carla scored 44 in English, 43 in Physical Education, 42 in Psychology and History: Revolutions. Carla undertook the Aspire Early Entry program through La Trobe university at Bundoora as a back up plan into her chosen study of Occupational Therapy.
Congratulations also to Frankie Davies who achieved an ATAR of 93.15 and Lochlan Moffat who scored 45 in Drama (top 2% in Victoria).
Victory boasts first class, award-winning facilities and specialised dedicated Science, Music, Art and Technical Trade Centres. The continuing growth of the College has seen our facilities significantly bolstered over the last few years with a modern tertiary learning environment provided for senior students and a dedicated learning hub opened for Years 3 and 4. These modern facilities enrich each student’s learning journey.
Students are recognised as individuals with their own dreams, abilities and beliefs. The College is nurtured by a framework of Christian attitudes and relationships which help our students grow within a caring community.
Victory provides a dynamic learning environment which empowers students to become life-long learners for the 21st Century. Our dedicated team of teachers strive to provide experiences that encourage participation and celebrate achievement. We challenge students to achieve their personal best to become active, informed citizens.
As we move forward, our Teaching and Learning Leaders are facilitating the implementation of Visible Learning across the College.