Opening Service
Welcome to 2020 - a new year and a new decade!On Monday 3rd February, Victory officially commenced our College year with the 2020 Opening Service.
Once our community were gathered, Foundation students were led into Luther Hall escorted by Year 12. College Chaplain, Mr Andrew Dewhirst, welcomed the new school year and installed our new staff and Student Leaders for 2020 before the Principal's address and message from the 2019 College Dux, Jacob Moffat.
VCE Results 2019
At our opening service we recognised and celebrated our Year 12 students and our VCE Results from 2019. We are proud of the Class of 2019, for their commitment, dedication, hard work and legacy. We also recognise the tireless work and endless additional hours of support provided by our teachers, both in the VCE and all years preceding.
We acknowledge Jacob Moffat as our College Dux for 2019, with an ATAR of 94.90. Jacob also scored Study Scores of 46 and 45 this year in Studio Arts and Business Management respectively (placing him in the top 2% of all students in those subjects).
A number of our other students achieved Study Scores above 40 (which places them in the top 9% of all students in that subject). We congratulate all students who achieved scores 40+:
- Macauly Hampton (Yr 11) – 45 in VET Furniture Making
- Chloe Hudson – 43 in Physical Education
- Abigail Malpass – 42 in English and 40 in Biology
- Meg Richardson – 40 in Physical Education
Mr Tim Hartwich
Head of Secondary