Year 3 Bible Presentation Chapel
Prior to returning to Remote Learning in Term 3, we were able to organise for our Year 3 students to be presented with their Bibles by Years 8 & 9 students. Year 3 then led a special Primary Chapel with the presentation as the main theme.
The presentation of Bibles to our Year 3 students has been a long tradition, with the support of the Wodonga Lutheran Parish and Victory Lutheran College. The Bibles are then used as part of the Christian Studies Unit, ‘The Bible Is God’s Word’, where students explore both the New and Old Testaments. They also develop their knowledge of the Bible and understanding through reading stories and parables and learning how to locate a Bible reference.
Thank you to Mr Dewhirst, Mrs Nicholas, Miss Keller and the Year 3 students for all their efforts in preparing and leading this important Chapel.
Mr Gary Harding
Head of Primary
Primary Chapel led by Year 3