Class of 2021 Valedictory
Victory celebrates the graduating Class of 2021 at the Valedictory ServiceOn Thursday, 18th November we said goodbye to our graduating Class of 2021 with our Valedictory Service and Dinner. It was a terrific afternoon and evening of reflection and celebration as we said goodbye to our Year 12 cohort and thanked them for the memories and legacy they leave us with at Victory.
They have had a profound impact on our College and have raised the bar even further on that which has been set by those who have gone before them. We are very much proud of their achievements and look forward with enthusiasm to seeing the result of their efforts over the coming years, as they enter their chosen careers. We also invite them to return for morning tea on Monday 16th December, the day on which their VCE results are released.
A number of awards were presented at our Valedictory Service in recognition of student achievements:
Victory Medal - Tessa Quinlan
Ampol Best-Allrounder - Aleisha Coyle
ADF Long Tan Leadership Award - Lauren Coyle
Wodonga Lions Club Achievement & Endeavour Award - Samuel Decker
VCAL Achievement Award - Summer Halford
Wodonga TAFE Scholarships - Summer Halford and Paige Hanson
Citizenship Awards - Breeanna Bowey, Hannah Chick, Cameron Deegan, Joel Lee and Lilli Wieland
Principal’s Subject Awards will be published in the Voice of Victory newsletter, 25th November 2021.
Mr Tim Hartwich
Head of Secondary